Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fishy report to White House #2

Here is today's report to Mr. Flag:

Dear Mr. Flag:

Today, I became aware of two miscreants who are using the website of The Atlantic magazine to spread hysterical negative information about the health care reform plan. One Megan McCardle and one Daniel Indiviglio were witnessed using logic and economic principles to attack the administration's position on health care reform. You should look into these two troublemakers right away.

Here is suspect McCardle using her logical powers to defend the evil drug companies that have mobilized their dark forces against us, claiming that there is some positive benefit to society when these companies make a profit (!):

Well, we don't need birth control either--we could just decide to be celibate--but I don't hear so much complaining about the commercials for Seasonale or the HPV vaccine.

I take the point that we're "medicalizing" normal parts of the human condition. But I'm not sure how useful that insight is. Disease and early death is a normal part of the human condition, and thank God we've medicalized it! I can live with a headache, so should I retire to a dark room rather than "medicalizing" my condition and taking an aspirin?

I am horrified. You can find more of this sort of filth here:

And here is suspect Indiviglio using logic to attack that poor defenseless Mr. Larry Summers:

Healthcare reform advocates would argue that this equation leaves out a variable: tax increases to help pay for the public option. Reform will be deficit-neutral. Sure, but you could similarly just raise taxes to better pay for Medicare cost increases without a public healthcare option. You could just make Medicare itself deficit-neutral through tax increases.

The mouth on this one! You can read the whole awful thing here. These right wing extremists at The Atlantic make me sick!

I hope you can do something about them. Maybe ask that nice Andrew Sullivan to go collect some additional information about these two.

On the case!
A concerned citizen

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